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Your Data



Nous Security

We understand that when you use a product in the Nous Suite (AgriNous, YardNous and other affiliated entities), you are entrusting us with one of your most valuable assets – the transactional and financial data of your company or clients. We treat this responsibility very seriously.

While we can’t publicise every detail of our security processes, we would like to provide a level of assurance by demonstrating a careful, pragmatic approach alongside some of the key tenets that we operate by.

#1 You own your data

We are in essence ‘caretakers’, looking after your data, in order to provide a service. We ensure that you have the controls necessary to manage access to your data. If at any time you wish to remove your company from AgriNous, you can simply delete the company. The data will exist in our offsite backup for a period of time and then be removed ensuring no data remains.

#2 Security is ongoing

Security is not a ‘set-and-forget’ operation. At AgriNous we are continuously evaluating and reinforcing our security approach through an internal documentation & review process. We also engage independent security specialists regularly. An independent review by experienced security professionals provides a fresh set of eyes and keeps us up to date with the latest developments in the security industry.

#3 Availability is important

The availability of your data is crucial to your use of AgriNous.

Your data is continuously replicated across multiple data centres. This means that, in the event of a disaster or an outage at one of our data centres, we can continue to provide AgriNous with minimal downtime.

Hosting & Physical Security

AgriNous is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a highly scalable cloud computing platform with end-to-end security and privacy features built-in. Our team takes additional measures to maintain a secure infrastructure and application environment.

For more specific details regarding AWS security, please refer to


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is an encryption technology used to protect data as it travels over the internet. All AgriNous application communications are encrypted with 128-bit SSL, providing a level of encryption comparable to that used by banks and financial institutions.

User Access

Within each account, AgriNous provides for multiple levels of access to confidential data. You can invite or remove individual users from your account whenever you want. Selected AgriNous staff can also access your data, for support purposes only, and only when you provide permission.


Best practices are used in the transmission and storage of passwords within AgriNous.

All users must choose a strong password and an automatic lockout is enforced when incorrect passwords are incorrectly entered. If you are inactive for an extended period while still logged in to AgriNous, you will be automatically logged out.


External network access to our servers is controlled by an Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), which is configured and monitored according to industry best practice. The VPC is dedicated to AgriNous and not shared with any other parties.

Third-party Audits and Inspections

AgriNous engages independent security specialists regularly. Our third party audits provide penetration testing, network scanning, and source code reviews.

Data Protection & Backup

We backup customer data every 24 hours. We also retain copies of daily backups in multiple geographic locations to aid in disaster recovery. Company-specific data is kept separate through logical separation, based on application-level access permissions and roles.


For more information on how AgriNous treats your personal information please see our Privacy Policy.

How can you stay protected?

Here are some simple steps you can take to stay protected:

  1. Create a password nobody can guess, so no dictionary words or family names. Be cryptic or use multi-word pass phrases – easy to remember, hard to crack.
  2. Don’t share your password with anybody.
  3. Don’t write your password on a sticky note and attach it to your computer.

Keep your browser software up to date. We use and recommend Google Chrome.